Friday, February 22, 2008


This was a triumph. Playing it is a delight from start to finish. Interesting puzzles and new ways of thinking, dark clever comedy, cognitive and reflexes tests in a first person shooter that has no violence per se, no real physical enemies. Just you, your trusty portal gun, and the oh so friendly GladOS.

Last night I finished the game for the second time, surprisingly it was still rewarding and I was still stranded for a little while in a couple of final puzzles. Even after beating the game once I couldn’t remember all the solutions. My so-called eidetic memory is as much of a sham as the proverbial cake.

After finishing the game I tried the advanced levels again, these I could remember easily (too much time stuck in some of them the first time hehe), even the crazy last level which made me a vanilla crazy cake. On a related note, my girlfriend got to lvl14 in her first attempt, and she has never played a FPS before, the game is just that intuitive; and well, she’s smart too. I’m gladly waiting for portal 2 now.

This little gem is hidden, waiting for you inside the orange box, it is more than hype now: it is endless intertubes memes.


ReH23 said...


* Your so-called eidetic memory is a lie..

* GladOS had a Sado.hack.trojan.sarcasm on it and needed to be rebooted.

d00d said...

Glad OS = gay lad OS

Joe Cortes said...

* Reh's armpit is smelly
* This was discussed in a proper blogpost from d00d.
* But not enough time.

muro said...

Lol, ruflles and rancheritos.
I did't get fcking idea of this post, but, "haha, -risa p'arriba".

Joe Cortes said...

Jajaja che Muro

Diego Gerardo Ramirez Garcia said...

Your WHOLE life is a F´"#$ing sham.

Unknown said...

hasta ahora pude jugar y terminar Portal.. definitivamente concuerdo, es un gran juego. Y probablemente tenga la mejor cortinilla de créditos que haya visto en un juego.

Joe Cortes said...

La canción es la neta jajaja, hasta la pusieron en el rock band de xbox