Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Emoticón actual: Deluded

I felt extremely drowsy today, so much that I had to actually serve myself a cup of delicious office-crap-coffee. The secret ingredient it's crap.
Now I feel revitalized, makes me wonder if I can actually develop an addiction to this compound. I have tried enough tobacco without any lasting effects or cravings to consider myself immune to certain drugs. Clearly I'm deluded.

Anyway I'm in my second cup and ready to get some work done. Open social here we go.


ReH23 said...

Emoticón actual: Impressed

You bro of all complaining about coffee.. must be a crappy day then.

At least you take that office-crap-coffee with real sugar and no with the real-crappy-splenda.

Joe Cortes said...

@Reh: Danke brudda, but I don't use sugar. I'm sweet enough.

d00d said...

Cafe craposo
En nuestras oficinas
No hay espresso

d00d said...

Todos sabemos que te gustan las cosas extradulces y te cortas el pelo para que una vieja conocida diga "uy que macho".

Joe Cortes said...

Jejeje, no, el expresso es muy hardcore para mi.

Ya maduré ya no como solo cosas dulces.

ReH23 said...
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ReH23 said...

Yo necesito el azucar para quedar tablas con el amargue constante..

Joe Cortes said...

Reh says:
puse algo asi como que "mi amigo Edo me enseño a tomar cafe"

d00d said...

no pos con estos amigos..........

wei te tengo que presumir mi maquina de espresso, es sepso

Joe Cortes said...


Máquina de espresso = Máquina de crack

Chino said...


Coca cola y marlboro eso funciona bien para mi