Thursday, May 22, 2008

Saint Seiya

A great series of olde, before yu gay oh! or death napkin. The music can be cheesy sometimes in this cult saga, still, it’s an action packed classic.

After many years of inactivity they brought us the new and improved Kamei cloths. Said cloths will appear as action figures in the following months. The new designs are astounding, I hope to see more soon.

Mom was right, you shouldn’t play with dolls at this age.


Diego Gerardo Ramirez Garcia said...

Si los tienes, roladlos.

Joe Cortes said...

Ya te la sabes 10gas.

Daliah said...

you should post some pics of your recently acquired "action figures" just for laughs...
I have to say those things are hard to put together! specially for a clumps like me =P

all of those characters have bigger hair than me... I don't like that!!