Sunday, June 29, 2008

Diablo III

Excellent news!
After so many years Blizzard finally is going to release the sequel. Now we must wait two and a half years or so for the game to go gold.

On a slightly sad note, since the Witch Doctor class is basically a remake of the Necromancer, it is expected that the necro would no longer be a playable class, though this is pure speculation.

OssiumVorax is dead, long live OssiumVorax.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Great concept, terrible acronym

BMW presented an incredible idea for a concept car. The outer shell is made of cloth pulled taut over a structure. The engine uncovering looks like open heart surgery!

But why, oh why, do they had to name it GINA? That's a terrible name (yes I know what it stands for), I guess either they don't really care since it sounds ok in Deutsch or all the money for the project was spent when the 'naming' meetings began.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A diez

...eres una mula estúpida que muerde con alevosía la mano de su criador y cuidador, cual irrascible animal de carga bruto no ves más que lo que está al frente con esas viceras en tus grandes, negros y vacíos ojos de bestia

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Mars Volta

The Bedlam in Goliath

Genre: Progressive rock.
A meticulous record, they kick off hard and nonstop, the wild guitar riffs might sound a little like their previous material but this record has better edition (much appreciated).
They have a distinct sound, mix of rock, riffs and even some Latino rhythms from time to time.